Elephant Butte, NM

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Love you always, MOM!

Yes, it has been quite a month. Now it's Dad, Mac and Mom.
It has been four years today since Mom left us and my sister
called to say "Mom is happy again". Love you Mother!

This is the verbage I picked for Mom's funeral pamphlet.
I read it all the time when I miss her.

If this were my last day I’m almost sure
I’d spend it working in my garden. I
Would dig about my little plants, and try
to make them happy, so they would endure
long after me. Then I would hide secure
where my green arbor shades me from the sky,
and watch how bird and bee and butterfly
came hovering to every flower lure.
Then as I rested, perhaps a friend or two,
lovers of flowers would come,
and we would walk
about my little garden paths and talk
of peaceful times when all the world
seemed true.
This may be my last day, for all I know,
what a temptation just to spend it so!
Anne Higginson Spicer

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful tribute. She must have been a wonderful woman. We never seem to stop missing them, no matter how many years pass!
