Elephant Butte, NM

Monday, May 12, 2014

Kemmerer, WY to Caldwell, ID to Cambridge


Dave wanted to catch K/P.  They were at Ken’s cousins Ben’s.  in Middleton, ID.  We had a long day of driving.  As we got close I grabbed the Trailer Life and book a site at Caldwell Rv Park to later be named “Thank God I don’t live here, trailer trash RV park.”  K/P met us at the park.  What a dump!   

The next day was spent visiting with Brenda & Hank and Uncle Benny. The gals split after lunch for garage sales and a fun afternoon. 

I bought 4 books and a pair of sunglasses for 65 cents at the thrift store, total $4.00.  I also found this guy at a garage sale.  
His name is Hugh M. Stick 008.
Ben wanted to have dinner at his place so we all went over there.  Dinner was great and his garden is spectatular.  We should get him & Jo together!  

We were to met K/P on the ramp to take off for Cambridge but they were having electrical problems so off we went without them.  

Dave pulls into Cambridge to check out a motel that had RV spots, too small of course but she told us of a place 2 miles out of town.  Mundo Hot Springs.  

K/P were fixed and met us there a few hours after we arrived.  We took off then in the Jeep for George and Joan’s home in Council.  Beautiful place.  Hummingbirds flying all over.  It was a great visit.

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