Elephant Butte, NM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Storing the camper tomorrow. Leaving Saturday.

The sea looks good for Saturday. There is another boat where MG is sitting that is leaving Saturday so we will convoy over. The other captain takes the boat over for the owner every year. We will take the camper to the cowboys tomorrow morning and move onto the boat. Gee, I think we may finally get to go. We saw an interesting green iguana yesterday by MG. The photo's are green guy, the other boat and MG.


  1. Have a wonderful time!! I followed orders and didn't send email LAST week. Hmmmph!
    Loveyamissyaseeyainafewmonths or LRMRSYIAFM
    Dr. Phil & Paul

  2. YEAH!! Have a WONDERFUL and SAFE adventure. Looking forward to hearing from you on your return.
    Linda & Randy
