Elephant Butte, NM

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Summer 2014, NM to Oregon.

WY to Idaho, 2014

Left Elephant Butte, NM 4/18 stopped at the Whittington Center for the night.  

Cool rock from the Whit. Cnt.

Drove in to Wheatland the Saturday before Easter, in a light rain shower. 
Easter was with Mary/Randy, Karen/Ian, Jo and Dave and I. 
We planned on leaving Jo’s the Tuesday after Easter week but the 
wind started blowing and would not stop. It actually blew Dave off his feet! 
Jo's quilt and pictures from our time there…………

Jo scraping grass from under the tractor.

My 3 temari's I did while there. One for Mary, one for Jo and one for Bab's!

We finally left Thursday May 1st.  We were supposed to be traveling with Ken & Phil but they escaped Rawlins on Tuesday as planned just before the big blow started.

We finally got on 34 heading for Kemmerer.  We stayed at Riverside RV Park.  I wasn’t feeling well so we stopped at the grocery store to stock a few things. Dave & the kids stayed in the Jeep with the sign on the back window.  Dave said people were taking pictures of it and some stopped to talk with him about it.  
(This photo is at Whit  Cnt.)

We stopped the next morning at the Fossil Butte Nat’l Monument.  Neat place!  One of these summers we will dry camp and fish the Green River outside of Pinedale then go dig at the private fossil sites by Kemmerer.  Fossils……….

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